Our Seminars

All of our seminars are accessible to students with a variety of skill and educational levels.
Comprehensive student guides and handouts have been developed for each educational experience so that you spend more time learning and less time taking notes.
The Practical MovementTM Series
You can take the movement seminars in any order because they all cover what you need to know about incorporating Practical Movement into your sessions. However, we think it’s best to start with the Targeted Movement™ for Massage Therapy seminar.
The Basics
- Targeted Movement for Massage Therapy (15 contact hours – 2 days)
Includes everything you need to know about adding Practical Movement to your practice. Selections from the 3 movement seminars and the postural assessment seminar are included to cover the issues that you encounter the most. - Short workshops
See the power of Practical Movement and learn some of the introductory concepts in less than a day. Workshops are typically offered at trade shows and conventions.
✓ Self-care for Computer Athletes & Bodyworkers (3 contact hours – 4 hour version available)
✓ Functional Movement for Massage Therapy (3 contact hours)
✓ Neuromuscular Re-education for massage Therapists (3 contact hours)
✓ And More: Let me tailor a specific workshop for your group.
Dive Deeper
- Movement seminars
These seminars focus on a particular area of the body and include more in-depth information.
✓ Lower Extremities (17 contact hours – 2 days)
✓ Upper Extremities (17 contact hours – 2 days)
✓ Core (17 contact hours – 2 days)
Other Seminars (Manual / Massage Therapy Related)
- Postural Assessment & Treatment Protocols (25 contact hours – 3 days)
This seminar is technically part of the movement series, but is not movement based. It’s designed for any practitioner wanting to incorporate this skill into their practice.
Learn how to assess posture, interpret postural charts, and develop a treatment plan. Apply this information to your own soft tissue treatment protocols to address the impact of both functional (muscular) and anatomical (skeletal) imbalances.- Related Workshop:
✓ Lifting Your Clients out of Pain (4 contact hours)
✓ Others upon request - Other hands-on seminars are in development
- Related Workshop:
Other Seminars (Regulatory Related)
These seminars are in development.
- Untangling Massage, Human Trafficking, & Prostitution
- Montana Laws & Regulations
- Others upon request